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荷兰艺术家Guido van der Werve个展纽约开幕


荷兰艺术家Guido van der Werve的两场个展——“Nummer veertien,home”、“Works 2003 - 2009”——近日同时在Luhring Augustine画廊分别位于切尔西区与布什威克区的两个空间中展出。其中在布什威克的空间里进行的展览展出了Guido van der Werve在之前创作的8件影像作品。

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

展览“Nummer veertien,home”首次展出了Guido van der Werve最新的影像作品“Nummer veertien,home”。这是一部多层次而且复杂的影像作品,它的结构以传统的安魂弥撒为基础。这件作品颇有诗意地结合了亚历山大大帝的故事、肖邦的死亡以及艺术家的个人叙述。肖邦在巴黎去世后,他的姐姐发誓要完成他希望能将自己的心脏带回祖国波兰的意愿;最后她成功地将他的心脏偷运出了法国,带回到华沙埋葬在圣十字教堂下。为了完成“Nummer veertien,home”的创作,Guido van der Werve在从华沙到巴黎的途中完成了1000英里的三项全能运动(游泳、自行车、跑步)——1000英里是铁人三项运动赛程的7倍长——追溯了肖邦的心脏在到达最后的埋葬点之前所进行的“旅程”。这件作品探索了Guido van der Werve艺术创作中的一些共同主题,例如身体忍耐力、人与自然的斗争、历史与地理之间的交集等等。这场展览还展出了艺术家的另一件作品“ummer dertien: emotional poverty”(2010-11):它是一件三部分的作品,包括了照片、文字、幻灯片投影以及一部长达12小时的高清视频。

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012


"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012

"Nummer veertien, home", 2012


"Nummer twee - just because I’m standing here doesn’t mean I want to", 2003

"Nummer twee - just because I’m standing here doesn’t mean I want to", 2003

"Nummer drie - take step fall", 2004

"Nummer vier - I don’t want to get involved in this, I don’t want to be part of this, talk me out of it", 2005

"Nummer vier - I don’t want to get involved in this, I don’t want to be part of this, talk me out of it", 2005

"Nummer vier - I don’t want to get involved in this, I don’t want to be part of this, talk me out of it", 2005


"Nummer zes - Steinway grand piano, wake me up to go to sleep, and all the colors of the rainbow", 2006

"Nummer zes - Steinway grand piano, wake me up to go to sleep, and all the colors of the rainbow", 2006

"Nummer zes - Steinway grand piano, wake me up to go to sleep, and all the colors of the rainbow", 2006

"Nummer zeven - the clouds are more beautiful from above", 2006

"Nummer zeven - the clouds are more beautiful from above", 2006

"Nummer acht - everything is going to be alright", 2007


" Nummer negen - the day I didn’t turn with the world", 2007

" Nummer negen - the day I didn’t turn with the world", 2007

" Nummer negen - the day I didn’t turn with the world", 2007

"Nummer twaalf - variations on a theme: the King’s gambit accepted, the number of stars in the sky and why a piano cannot be tuned or waiting for an earthquake", 2009

"Nummer twaalf - variations on a theme: the King’s gambit accepted, the number of stars in the sky and why a piano cannot be tuned or waiting for an earthquake", 2009

"Nummer twaalf - variations on a theme: the King’s gambit accepted, the number of stars in the sky and why a piano cannot be tuned or waiting for an earthquake", 2009

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