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日期:2016/11/26 至 2016/12/26     地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥北路4号院798艺术区七星东街311楼一层5号

The interpretation of the pheromone of era conveys evidential preponderance of the contemporaneity of art.  Such pheromone pertaining to art implicates the when, where and whom it was transposed via a specific or an array of emotions. The transformed physical object is commonly labelled art and sentiments it exudes are experienced, examined and occasionally appreciated.

“绘画已死”的态度使大部分艺术家的创作游离于两种潮流之间:一种是现代主义潮流,它让艺术积极退守到艺术自律的窠臼中,如抽象表现主义那样;另一种则是激进的前卫艺术运动,它对所有绘画作出拒绝,如现成品。艺术家崔凤华、黄启覃、王烁在自身创作语言鲜明的基础上忠实于“绘画就是绘画”而显得稚拙和真诚。大多数多媒体艺术家处在一个极其微妙的处境中,他们通过个体经验来对客观现实进行一种精微的触探,希望借助技术来与现实说“不”,但又无法脱离与时代不即不离的关系,并维系着一种脆弱而危险的平衡。艺术家仇佳利用画廊空间摆脱电影院那种沉浸式的环境,在展览和影像的空间中相互切换,使观众游走于真实和虚构之中 。
In “Painting is Dead”, most artists stray between Modernism and Radical Avant-garde-Art Movement.  The former retreats to self-controlling stereotypes and the latter opposes to painting where three dimensional solid-state art pieces precede all.  Artists Cui Fenghua, Huang Qitan, Wang Shuo devotedly and faithfully showcase their puerility and sincerity via “Painting is damn right painting!”  Most Multimedia artists endeavor to strike the delicate balance by hitting the head of the reality nail using common hand tools with their own unique swings; intending to put up a road sign with a gigantic “Objection”; nonetheless, the truth negates their anticipated detachment from this world in harsh and non-forgiving manners.  Video artist Qiu Jia, briskly utilizes the space in the gallery to disturb the immersive sensation of a movie theatre by flipping and tossing physical exhibits and videos to offer audience a path of reality and falsity.

Style may come from style-less-ness. Emotions may be inspired by circumventions. Every piece of artwork is a tiny frame of an era where their images and forms are correlations of an individual’s emotional states notwithstanding their truthfulness.  All and all are masquerading in rebellious outfits but shall, undoubtedly, be dissolved and defined by this time and space …..

BY: Li Zhanhao
1st NOV 2016


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